In mid February this year before the Corona virus became top news we are engaged by Sterling Content to visit Hokkaido to shoot a series of photographs in support of a commissioned study on ways to bring tourism traffic to the City of Yubari. The city is famous for the Yubari Melon and the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival.

However, in recent times the city has faced a number of challenges with the once thriving coal mining industry completely gone and the only reminder being a coal mining museum. In 2007 the city declared bankruptcy and in early 2019, the Yubari branch train line closed after 127 years of operation. The average age of its citizens is just over 65 years.
“ Visiting this very small city in February was like visiting a snowy winter-wonder-land. There was a wonderful sense of calm and beauty - like being in an other world experience.”

For skiers and snowboarders it’s a great place to get to for a winter break. We stayed at the Hotel Mount Racey with its adjacent wonderful ski area and they can offer all the ski equipment rental services needed.

We are definitely looking forward to the opportunity of going back to Yubari again. Meanwhile, we hope the study that is being undertaken will result in promotional strategies that attract more all-year round visitors to this somewhat forgotten place so that the city can be reviatalised once again.

Images - (c) 2020